Thursday 31 March 2011


Shock Horror
Would you have guessed it?! Gabriella has taken control and started her very own Hanfic. It is the Sequel to 'Stay With Me' and we both have spent the last few days figuring out what the next step is for Mia and Robyn. It's called 'Together'

It is sad to say that we do not know any of the celebrities in this FanFic. There is quiet a lot of language/sexual content in this story so if you are younger then the age of 16, turn around and keep walking. Hope you enjoy the sequel as much as the first one! Enjoy.

Robyn and Mia have left LA with heavy hearts and moved back to good ol' London Town. Hopeing to make it big in the city they hardly waste any time in getting Robyn some decent gigs to prove herself a worthy solo artist. Still burnt from their breakup with Taylor and Zac the two girls fight through single life, finding the lack of affection and love hard to cope without. They find themselves in the arms of two English celebrities. One Ashley Horne, a bass player from TMB and Ben Barnes, a successful actor. Whilst the two girls begin to enjoy their lives again, who should show up and put a pause on their fun? I'll give you two..HOT guesses.

Who will the girls choose? Read and find out losers!

Go back to STAY WITH ME?